HTTP unable to handle request after restart

This page isn’t working is currently unable to handle this request.


Hi, I have the same issue on my other install.

This page isn’t working is currently unable to handle this request.


root@ru:~# cd /home/firezone
root@ru:/home/firezone# docker compose restart
[+] Running 3/3
⠿ Container home-postgres-1 Started 2.0s
⠿ Container home-caddy-1 Started 10.8s
⠿ Container home-firezone-1 Started 8.3s

did run restarting compose and still the same. Your help with this matter is greately appreciated.

Hi, 502 just means the container is down. Can you post logs? Hard to debug without knowing why.

Hello, I think the problem is the VPS. I tried to change the vps and everything works. I wonder if we can make it accessible using http instead of https because in China, TLS is blocked and its not accessible unless you are connected to vpn. Is there a way we can use non-tls to access the host?

You’ll need to configure Caddy to use HTTP only, and then set set SECURE_COOKIES=false in the firezone container’s env.

Possibly helpful: caddyfile - Caddy - How to disable https only for one domain - Stack Overflow

Ok. Im trying to find caddyfile but cant find it.

root@firezone:/home/firezone# cd /etc/caddy
-bash: cd: /etc/caddy: No such file or directory

I was able to fix it. thank you.

http:// {
reverse_proxy *