Cannot undo deleted/recreate OIDC connection

Good evening!

In some of our tests with firezone 4.4, we created a user via OIDC Google and deleted the OIDC connection from that user.

However, we would like to re-establish this connection, but there is a way, we try to delete the user and create it again, but the connection does not create, in the database we also notice that it is not generating the line related to the connection in the oidc_connections table for this user

the problem is that it is not recreating even if I delete the account and create it again

When I try to query my email user id in oidc_connection in DB, its not recreating this :frowning:

Hey @Gnavarro – you’ll need to revoke the access token for this user. Google only hands out the refresh token once when the user approves the OAuth app.

You can remove Firezone OAuth access here: Sign in - Google Accounts

OIDC should get reconnected on your next login.

Also, do you have the offline_access scope enabled in your firezone config?

Google doesn’t support offline_access scope. It only requires revoke.