Administration of service users

Hello! Thank you for your product!
How can I check active users and track active traffic on the network?

For now, the solution is to install an additional tool:
apt install wireguard-tools

List of current Clients:
wg show

Hey @temka_lol41 – We have a backlog ticket to expose this info in the UI, but for now you can use the embedded wg utility (no need to install your own):

/opt/firezone/embedded/bin/wg show

Hi! This does not work with the current version of Firezone. Is there an alternative solution?

Sure, you can use the wg utility from wireguard-tools for your distro.

Try this:

apt-get install wireguard-tools
wg show wg-firezone

Thanks for the answer! My installation is running in a Docker container. Executing the wg show all query returns an empty result. What did I do wrong?

P.S. the commands from your response have been executed successfully

What does ifconfig show?

You could try grabbing them from within the Docker container:

docker compose -f $HOME/.firezone/docker-compose.yml exec -it firezone /bin/sh
# Now, in the shell inside the container
apk add wireguard-tools
wg show

I cannot provide the output of the command due to confidential data. Which interface should I pay attention to?

This is how it works, but the syntax used was different:

docker exec -it firezone-firezone-1 /bin/sh
apk add wireguard-tools
wg show

any ETA for this feature?

Hi @herbertrivera , Firezone 1.0 includes Service Accounts. We’ll be launching the beta publicly soon – sign up for early access here if you’d like to test it out.